EP 6: Getting Organized to Live a Life You Love

Ready for the sexiest and most fun step of the 4-step organization framework? In this episode of Get Organized for Good, Corinne Morahan describes the various reactions guests have had to the state of her home, including that of an old college friend who compared it to a Pottery Barn (and whether or not he meant it as a compliment)! Everyone has a different threshold for chaos, she says, and different appetites for organizing. You have the privilege of determining your individual level of organization and your personal style of home decor.
Sites like Pinterest and Instagram should serve as inspiration and information, not comparison. Have fun while you gather data and cultivate your own approach! Corinne explains what to do when you and your partner have different organization thresholds, and the important distinction between putting things down and putting them away and why she strongly prefers big labels.
Getting organized has not only changed Corinne’s life, but allowed her sons to thrive and be empowered in their approach to stressful situations. Join us to learn how you, too, can start living your most expansive life, today!
- “Imagine how freaking sexy it feels when every space in your home is dialed in, and if you are going to have guest over at any moment, you don’t have to clean up for them. This is the beauty of being organized.” (3:43 | Corinne Morahan)
- “We all have a different threshold for chaos.” (5:13 | Corinne Morahan)
- “As you are embarking on this journey, I want you to feel empowered that you get to decide what your threshold is for you. Don’t let the pictures of my house, don’t let what you see on Instagram or Pinterest dictate that for you. Use it as information.” (6:14 | Corinne Morahan)
- “It’s been so interesting to watch my kids grow up in a home that’s so organized and how they really now thrive in such organized spaces. Their default now is that they’re feeling stressed about something, they’ll ask me if I can help them declutter or purge or set up a new system as they’re growing and their needs change. And it’s extremely empowering to them to feel like they have a say, but they also have tools to help them feel like they can control their environment a bit more when so much is out of their control.” (9:37 | Corinne Morahan)
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