April 26 is National Get Organized Day!

Sometimes all it takes to get started organizing is a little burst of inspiration, but finding that inspiration can feel impossible. Did you know that April 26 is designated as National Get Organized Day? Well, it is! There truly is a day for everything, and one that promotes getting organized is something that we at Grid + Glam can fully get behind! So, consider this your New Year’s do-over, reset, or fresh start when it comes to your goals around having an organized home. Because April 26 is just as good of a date as January 1, right?
Now, getting your entire home organized in just one day might not be all that realistic (ok, it’s completely unrealistic), but we’re all about taking small steps over time to make progress. Don’t let yourself fall into the trap of all-or-nothing thinking and feeling frustrated and overwhelmed by clutter. Get Organized Day is the perfect thing to give you a little motivation to make progress. From cleaning out one small section of your junk drawer to fully organizing your pantry, taking any action always wins over doing nothing. And want to know a little secret? Once you finish something small, you’ll be 100 times more likely to want to continue on to another task. Momentum for the win!
Getting organized will change your life
You know that being organized is a good thing, but want to hear some crazy stats about just how important it is?
- The average American spends the equivalent of one year of their life searching for missing or lost things, according to NAPO
- Decluttering your home can reduce housework by up to 40%, according to The National Soap and Detergent Association
- On average, only 20% of items Americans own get used, according to NAPO
These are some shocking numbers. Let’s hit it home even harder though: an organized home means more time, less wasted money, and less stress for you. For more on the benefits of organizing, check out this blogpost on the 5 misconceptions of organizing. You deserve to have the freedom that comes with being organized so that you can live your best life.
How to actually get organized
I know you don’t need to be sold on the benefits of being organized, so let’s jump into HOW to actually make it happen and use Get Organized Day for motivation. The good news is that there is no right or wrong way to take advantage of the designated day (or any day that works for you!), but here are a few ideas to help you make the most of it:
1. Examine Your Mindset
A major part of getting + staying organized is mindset work. Check in with yourself - purging can be hard emotionally, I get it. For sentimental items, remember that the memories of loved ones live in you. For items that you never used but keep because you may “someday”, remember that the money has already been spent. That item is not gaining in value by sitting in your home. In fact, it’s adding stress and clutter to your life. It’s time to say goodbye.
2. Set an Attainable Goal
Think about a space in your house that’s been bothering you and then come up with a few small tasks you can accomplish to make progress in that space. Remember, you don’t have to go for picture-perfect right away! Set a goal for yourself that you can be excited about and that’s also reasonable to get done in the timeframe you’ve set for yourself. Maybe you want to put away all of the extra shoes that have piled up by the door or set up an organization system in your junk drawer so that it’s not actually a “junk” drawer anymore. Think small with big impact!
3. Join an Organizing Membership
If you prefer to have the planning and goal setting done for you, then you can join the G+G Home Organizing Membership! Doors open in May, but you can join the waitlist here!
My Best Tips for Getting Organized Like a Pro
Whether you are taking part in a challenge, focusing on clearing clutter, or gearing up for a larger project, these tips will help you to organize like a pro:
Purge first
The fastest way to get organized is to purge everything you don’t actually need or want. Don’t waste time or space trying to organize things that don’t belong in the space to begin with. Adding products and making a space look pretty doesn’t come until the very end so don’t be tempted to buy matching bins and baskets if you haven’t purged and sorted first. Don’t forget to actually donate the items you set aside. Getting them into your car is a good step, but they don’t need to ride around with you for weeks or months.
Sort the Remaining Items
When sorting, have bins ready for: keep, donate, and trash. For the things you decide to keep, sort them into categories to put like with like. You can then set up your system based on those categories.
Get Your Family Involved in the Process
It’s a great idea to make getting organized a family affair so that everyone can then be on board with keeping your home organized. Make a game out of it to keep it fun for kids! If you don't have kids, then you get to make all of the decisions, which is great! No matter whether you live alone or with 10 other people, don't put off getting organized. In fact, the sooner the better! Check out this blogpost about the benefits of organizing in your 20s.
Celebrate Your Wins
Anything you do is enough and any effort is worth celebrating because it means you are taking care of something that is important to you. Give yourself a pat on the back, have a dance party, or pour yourself a drink no matter how small you might feel like your progress is. Staying positive will help you keep up momentum.
Reset Regularly
Every organized home needs a little maintenance. Set up a simple routine to maintain your newly organized spaces. Better yet, download my new, streamlined Sunday Reset® printable for FREE here.
Share Your Success!
Tag us in your post about Get Organized Day or send us a DM to let us know what space(s) you are planning to tackle. You’re amazing and we’d love to cheer you on!
Every day is Get Organized Day in our book, but we hope that the official day gets you excited to make a little bit of progress towards that dream life where clutter doesn’t exist. Good luck! š
Want more help getting organized? Get started with one of my digital programs today!